The ‘To BE’ list
You have a 'to do' list. You check it at least 3 times a day. Your mood ebs and flows as to how many ticks, or cross throughs you get that day.
But what about a 'to be' list?
Who do you want to BE today?
Perhaps playful, creative, kind, generous, loving, joyful.
And what if you spent as much time and energy focused on your 'to be' list as you do your 'to do' list? What if you checked your 'to be' list three times a day - adjusting your day to be more playful, more loving, more joyful?
The result - you'd leave your office with more to do's done, a smile on your face and a legacy for all those you met.
And don't trust this advice. Test it. How can you be the person you want to be for the next ten minutes?
N.B. The concept of a To Be list emerged in a coaching call this week and I've found helpful for two other clients this week. If you want some help working out who you want to be, and living from here, get in touch.